It’s hard to recall the impact that Balanced Scorecard (BSC) had in the first couple of decades after it hit the business world. For the first time, leaders […]
Strategy Dynamics Briefing 23: Generic Architectures
The balanced scorecard has transformed the way in which organizations track and steer their performance, and is now a popular tool among large companies. (See Kaplan, R. and Norton, D. 1996. The Balanced Scorecard, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA. See also
What important advances over traditional reporting approaches does it offer?
IT & Enterprise Architecture
strategy+business explains how IT works best when tied closely to business goals, which using an Enterprise Architecture helps ensure. Though the article explains little of what exactly an EA is, there’s […]
The balanced scorecard
A large Management Development community I track has been discussing how we could have prepared people better for the current troubles, and some have advocated the Balanced Scorecard […]