I’m not a big fan of checklists, but Have you tested your strategy lately? offers useful tests for checking the quality of a strategy. The list also makes some assumptions, […]
Strategy Dynamics Briefing 47: Resources remaining useful after leaving
Resources can continue to be relevant even after they are lost. Former customers recommend or dissuade others to buy a product, and former staff may recommend or dissuade friends about joining an employer. A clear case concerns…
How to clarify adaptive capacity
There is a ton of academic stuff on this, but our dynamics terminology can be quite exact about it. To “adapt” implies building specific resources and capabilities that […]
Strategy Dynamics Briefing 36: Developing resources
So far, we have simply assumed that resources can be switched on and off, but in many cases, resources may develop through a series of states. Sometimes this happens entirely within an organization, such as products being moved through stages in the R&D process. For some items, though, development may extend outside the organization, such as the growing awareness and interest of potential customers, and the continued influence of former customers.
How does this influence strategic thinking?
Strategy Dynamics Briefing 30: When resources bring access to others
One specially useful case where resource “attributes” arise is when one resource brings access to other potential resources, most often customers…