A fund management business faced collapse, after some years of successful and profitable growth. (These companies invest your cash in equities and bonds to grow your wealth, often […]
Strategy Dynamics Briefing 32: Fixing resource quality to get out of trouble
Mostly we are concerned with relatively low-stress situations where management wishes to drive faster growth, avoid possible constraints, or reverse declining performance. Sometimes, though, organizations find themselves in crisis, with resources and revenues in sharp decline and financial losses that are worsening so fast as to threaten their survival. Drastic action may be unavoidable…
But what action?
Strategy Dynamics Briefing 27: Resource quality and performance example
Management is concerned about the quality of resources because it has a real impact on performance – better sales people win better customers, faster, better products drive stronger customer growth and sales, better equipment causes fewer faults, and so on.
Read on as we further build on the simple example of skills amongst call-center staff from Briefing 26…
Stategy Dynamics Briefing 26: Three ways to change resource quality
The previous briefing looked at how adding larger customers and removing smaller ones can raise the average size of a firm’s customer base. To these mechanisms must be added a third element.
What is it?
Strategy Dynamics Briefing 25: Resource quality: understanding attributes
It is not easy to understand and manage changes in attributes and the impact of those changes. Strategy must recognize and cope with change over time, so needs a method for quantifying both scale and speed of progress. Now we must not only work out how key resources are changing, but also the quality of those resources.
How is this done?