Just been alerted to Green Recovery, another debunking of assertions that it is too costly to tackle environmental damage [notably carbon emissions]. This follows a session I saw from John […]
Skills and capabilities
Capabilities clearly enable performance – if your organization can do key tasks, faster, cheaper or better than others, then you will develop stronger resources in a more powerful system […]
McKinsey ‘business system’
McK gives useful short videos in its ‘enduring ideas’ series. The latest I’ve viewed on the business system is a helpful reminder of the old value-chain concept, though […]
Successful transformation
Readers will know I’m no fan of the obsession with ‘transformation’ in strategy, but it’s sometimes essential or advanageous. In Corporate Transformation under Pressure, McKinsey report a less […]
More items on strategy in the crisis
Amongst the continuing stream of articles on this, some good ones [I’ve left out some bad or downright dangerous ones] include: