I’m not a big fan of checklists, but Have you tested your strategy lately? offers useful tests for checking the quality of a strategy. The list also makes some assumptions, […]
Analysts keep getting it wrong
Equity Analysts: Still Too Bullish in McKQ makes depressing, if unsurprising reading. Analysts continue a decades-long tendency to forecast nearly double the profit growth that actually follows, and […]
Usable game theory
Hagen Lindstaedt just alerted me to what looks a smart way of making game theory usable, with a neat link to scenario-based thinking. Probably quite challenging to do, but looks […]
Better than HBR?
Harvard Business Review may be seen as the gold-standard for leading edge management thinking. But I am increasingly impressed by the quality of other journals. McKinsey Quarterly, of course, […]
Great piece on sustainability and business
Great video with Adam Werbach, author of Strategy for Sustainability: A Business Manifesto, shares an adaptation from his book and talks with the McKinsey Quarterly about trading in green […]