Some great material from MIT on this issue – IT has recently had less attention in strategy discussions than it once had, but that’s a big mistake, and these […]
Strategy + falsehood = error
An otherwise great column in HBR It’s Time for the 3-D MBA about improving MBA programs starts well by urging more breadth and depth, then calling for more […]
Online environment changing competition
Digital Darwinism by Christopher Vollmer in strategy+business plays to my view of strategy as making order-of-magnitude impact, not the percentage incrementalism that constrains much management thinking.
Tipping point for hybrid cars
In The Coming Boom in Hybrid Cars ‘in strategy+business makes out that sales of hybrid vehicles are following exactly what would be expected from ‘S-curve theory’ [?] – slow initial […]
More executive sense on ‘knowledge’
Harald Borner, global head of talent at SAP points out that they have every conceivable technology tool to collect and share knowledge, and help people find out anything […]