You will find endless checklists on what to do or not do for business success, but here’s a nice set of warnings from Patrick Van der Pijl. And here’s some more about each, and what we can do about them.
Intangible business factors are NOT ‘qualitative’
A partner in a top strategy consulting firm once told me … “We don’t bother with intangibles in our client work – they are undetectable, unmeasurable, and unmanageable“ […]
Get real about the price-elasticity of demand
Most readers probably recognise this “economics-101” standard price-elasticity curve. Unfortunately, it only gets anywhere near realistic in the very special case of anonymous commodity markets, so is not […]
HOW to wrangle wicked business problems
I have been puzzled by the documented cases of supposedly “wicked” problems that do not seem to me to be particularly wicked at all, and I suspect do […]
There’s much more to “strategy” than the business plan (B)
More on that push-back from a strategy expert, challenging my claim that the issues below are all unavoidable parts of managing an organisation’s strategy. Strategy – they say […]