Customers usually differ from each other on many factors – purchase rates, price sensitivity, switching costs, rationality, time to respond etc. – and these differences affect the dynamics […]
Airlines staffing mess
.. the latest, basic HR miss-step: see basic staff pipeline model. How hard can it be to look at when your staff will retire and plan hiring to replace them? […]
Why so many Tablet makers?
This LinkedIn exchange asks why so many new entrants start up in growth industries when it’s obvious that most will fail. Another big case : during 2000-09 Europe added about […]
Limits to growth
I see that icon of ‘not even the sky is the limit’, Ryanair, is finding gravity still exists. In a curious ‘threat’ to curtail growth, lively CEO O’Leary […]
Profiting from the downturn – e.g. airlines
Nice example of what looks like a strategically sound business [Lufthansa] pouncing on valuable resources shaken loose when a feeble competitor [Alitalia] stumbles. The Economist reports they will […]