My last post “Get buy-in with the Pyramid Principle” explained a process to win support for important conclusions or recommendations … start with the key recommendation, or issue […]
McKinsey and the strategic CFO
McKinsey reports on the increasingly strategic role that CFOs, but that needs dynamic business models.
Process models -v- dynamic models – related but different
Most executives probably think of “process models” to capture how a business works. These descriptive models lay out what is done to the things in the system. Dynamic models, define and quantify those things themselves, and show how their scale changes over time – with considerable benefits over proce3ss models.
Generic business-system architectures
An earlier post explained that dynamic business models may feature common structures that arise in many different cases (e.g. how customers drive sales and how people-quality changes with […]
Not every problem needs a hammer – but there are nails everywhere that need hitting !
I sometimes get challenged with a comment like “Not every problem is a nail, so to fix them you need other tools (for business analysis, strategy, fixing issues […]