Most readers probably recognise this “economics-101” standard price-elasticity curve. Unfortunately, it only gets anywhere near realistic in the very special case of anonymous commodity markets, so is not […]
HOW to wrangle wicked business problems
I have been puzzled by the documented cases of supposedly “wicked” problems that do not seem to me to be particularly wicked at all, and I suspect do […]
Strategy eats culture for breakfast – yes, you read that right
Given all the hard work that true experts put into building powerful solutions to strategy challenges, it is truly depressing how easily folk are seduced by sexy-sounding slogans. […]
Planning and managing Net Zero programs
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) account for a large fraction of greenhouse-gas emissions (GHGs) from the business sector. But although most SMEs undoubtedly want to “do the right thing” […]
Abductive strategy building – beats hypothesis-testing
My last post noted that hypothesis-testing is recommended as a scientific and efficient method for developing strategy – or maybe figuring out what’s going wrong. But that post […]