In MBA Students Aren’t Learning to Avoid Future Crises from Net Impact, 90% surveyed blame short-term business focus for the crisis … and fewer than a quarter think their courses help them avoid future crises. Still not seen any sign of strategy approaches to help with this, as featured in my recent presentation, which offers some suggestions.
It seems today’s MBA students, if not all those they follow, are pretty smart.
Thanks for posting this South American presentation.
Absolutely right on the money. Absorbing, pithy and riveting. Just what is needed to try to explain why the “credit crunch” was inevitable. We have been here before, but what has been learned?
As I may have mentioned previously, I have been trying to interest the decision-makers [sic], at the place where I do some teaching, that MBA and MSc students need the exposure to the Strategy Dynamics to begin to engage in joined up thinking. As you mention several times in your excellent presentation, this is not rocket science; it just needs people to open their minds to different and more productive ways of thinking. To ignore the BOT aspects of strategy is completely to miss the big picture.
More power to your elbow!
Thanks Adrian – glad you liked it, and good luck with getting more to see some light.