In Green Is a Strategy, strategy+business makes a strong case that sustainability is becoming, not a nuisance issue to which business will have to react, so much as an opportunity for advantage that needs to be proactively grasped. A bit thin on details, but offers some good big principles. Given the severe environmental problems to which we are already condemned, the faster firms get going with this, the better! Further to my post on green recovery, it’s interesting to discover from a McKinsey Global Institute slide-set that:
1 – on a global basis, over 25% of carbon emissions can be cut at a profit, and as much as 60% at zero net cost!
2 – virtually all of this can be achieved with no new technology whatever.
It’s bad enough that governments are squabbling over who’s going to ‘pay’ to try slowing climate change, it seems they can’t even bother to tell the public what’s easy and cheap to do.