We have just launched a NEW forum for this area and encourage you to join the community conversation. I have added links on the StrategyDynamics website and the book […]
Managing Professional Service firms
Just had a notification of a forthcoming web-briefing on this from Harvard Business School to be led by Professor Thomas DeLong, co-author of When Professionals Have to Lead. […]
Additions and corrections
Please let us know of any topics, articles or other items that you think readers may find useful in addition to the book’s existing contents. Also, even though […]
New materials uploaded
New materials have been uploaded today that support Strategic Management Dynamics. These can be found at www.strategydynamics.com/smdresources. This first set of materials includes an introduction to the mystrategy […]
New materials to be released shortly
We are working on sets of resources that support the book and will start releasing these shortly. The first of these will be instructions on how to work […]