A McKinsey expert once told me “A dynamic model is like Kleenex – use it to fix an issue, then throw it away“. Now some digital twin business models […]
Middle managers get hit again
I see middle managers are getting hit yet again, this time in McKinsey Quarterly as ‘innovation blockers‘. It seems to be forgotten that middle managers have the additional […]
Don’t copy what’s not relevant
A nice word of caution from strategy+business magazine about looking for magic strategy answers by peering into the ways of superstars. In The Google Enigma, they point out […]
Strategic incompetence continued
… and now we see Merrill Lynch in the same trouble, so perhaps they could answer the same question we put to Citigroup. Meanwhile, here in the UK, […]
Strategic incompetence
Interesting to see that Citigroup may take a further multi-billion dollar hit as a further consequence of the sub-prime lending fiasco. Now nothing makes me angrier than strategic […]