Hello – I’m Kim Warren, and I developed the powerful Strategy Dynamics method for:
… whole-business strategic plans
… key functional plans, like marketing, HR or product development
… planning and executing big initiatives, like performance-improvement programs, entering new markets, or changing how the business works
… fixing challenges – large or small – from fighting off tough competitors to fixing poor service quality
… building successful new ventures.
I provide rigorous and practical training, for analysts and leaders, on how to build living business models with this method – “digital twins” that mimic, with uncanny accuracy, how the real world works.
Here’s what bothers me … Strategies and functional plans don’t deliver; initiatives fall short or get dropped; challenges go unaddressed; and new ventures fail (at an appalling rate!). Yet the business school “Strategy” field has nothing to offer. Its methods talk about “positioning” a business (the very rare choice of which customers to serve, with what products/services). Its “business models” are nothing more than abstract diagrams of words, boxes and arrows.
Here’s what we need … All the issues above are about improving performance over time – strong, sustained cash flow growth; building and sustaining valuable customers, capable staff, great products; changing from business-as-usual to a better system; designing and delivering a new enterprise that works.
In all these cases, it’s “the system” that delivers performance. So we need a set of principles and a method to help design and manage the system.
The method, the tool and the learning… Strategy dynamics is that method. It is rigorous, yet practical, and creates living, quantified business models – “digital twins” that mimic with uncanny accuracy how the whole system works and performs, Substantial courses show how to use the method, including many real-world examples for you to keep and modify for your own needs.